Yep. I admit it, I’m addicted to cycling.

I’ve been riding since I was 3 years old. BMX, road, mountain bike, track racing, endurance, sprints…you name it. I even raced 54 miles on the back of a tandem with “OT” once.
I was a USA Cycling certified coach for 5 years.
I lead a chapter of my team.
I raced, and promoted a race.
I’ve backed off all of that and now just go ride when I can.
Why? Its fun. Cycling is the only type of outdoors activity I really enjoy (aside from walking the block with my lovely bride).
Bonus points, it keeps me healthy – mentally and physically. I’m probably in better shape than 90% of men my age (currently 52).
So there’s the background…one of the non-work related things that make me who I am. Not the most important but part of me nonetheless.
Nice to know that you are safe and came out well. Lot of Texans went through tough time. Initial 2 days we had tough time without power due to my stove/heating system is based on Electrical Power. Gone to 7 to 8 stores to find firewood but found nothing and then found 3 pallets on roadsides and brought it to heat my hall. Found a room to book in Marriot for next 2 days. God Bless Texas/America/Humanity